Thu 23 Jan 2025
2025 Blizzard
Posted by sugarland
Residential • Commercial • Industrial
New Iberia (337)367-1414
Abbeville (337)893-3345
Lafayette (337)233-3800
Franklin (337)828-4774
Morgan City (985)384-7042
Thu 23 Jan 2025
Posted by sugarland
Mon 20 Jan 2025
Posted by sugarland
Fri 1 Oct 2021
Posted by sugarland
Please Note: There is a large Phone Outage in our Area. We are Sorry for Any Inconvenience.
We can see the number calling in, but no interaction. Someone will call you back by cell phone
Thank You For Your Understanding.
Sat 28 Aug 2021
Posted by sugarland
We Pray Everyone Stays Safe during and after the Hurricane. We will Probably be closed until Tuesday 8/31/21. May God Bless You and Your Family.
Thu 8 Oct 2020
Posted by sugarland
We will be closed Until Monday Morning 10/12/20. We will be back open and ready to service at 7AM on Monday Morning depending on the road conditions. We Pray Everyone stays Safe and Healthy. Stay Alert and Stay Safe. God Bless Each of Us.
Tue 25 Aug 2020
Posted by sugarland
We will be open until 12PM Tuesday August 25th. We will reopen on Friday August 28th depending on the Weather and Road Conditions. Please Stay Alert and Stay Safe. May God Bless Each of You.
Mon 23 Mar 2020
Posted by sugarland
While Sugarland Exterminating has been declared an
Essential Business, We are Sorry that for now and until further notice, we will not allow Walk-ins into the office. All transactions will be handled at the door. Also, Services will be on Exteriors of Residences and Businesses for now. In the event that there is an emergency service inside, one of our Professional Team Members will completely suit up for that kind of service. This is for All Parties Protection and Safety/Health. After services outside are complete, all transactions will be texted preferably if you choose or handled outside at the door with the proper distance suggested by the medical professionals. Our Team of Professionals have been properly equipped with Gloves, Masks/respirators and Sanitizers. We Thank You for your Trust and Confidence you have placed in us over the past 48 years, But Especially now. THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS YOU!
Mon 23 Mar 2020
Posted by sugarland
As Many Service Companies fall under the “Essential” Category, We here at Sugarland Exterminating have ALWAYS thought of our Employees, Customers, Public and their Family as Essential. We also fall under the Essential Category and are here to Serve and Maintain the Safety, Sanitation and Essential Operation of Residences and Businesses, as numerous insects, rodents and other nuisance pests are kept under Control from wrecking havoc on Society and causing huge Safety issues because of the many diseases they carry. Please keep All in Prayer. Please call us when you need.
Mon 15 Jul 2019
Posted by sugarland
We Hope and Pray Everyone went through the storm OK and are all OK. We will be open tomorrow morning for business at 7AM. We may experience limited phone lines. You may call the main number 337-367-1414 , Message us on Facebook or here on our Webpage. Someone will get back to you. Please leave a name, phone number and address. We hope to be back up and fully operational sometime tomorrow. Thanks.
Fri 12 Jul 2019
Posted by sugarland
We will be closed from noon today until Monday morning due to the approaching storm. We will post as we know more. Please be safe. Don’t drown, Turn around.
Thu 11 Jul 2019
Posted by sugarland
For Sugarland Employees:
Safety is of the most importance. We will close at 12 noon Friday. If you live in low lying area, please make sure your company truck is brought to the office before the storm gets to land(most likely by Friday afternoon). Let Robert know if you do. Also, if you need help at your home lifting things, because of living in low areas, please let Kevin know. Please make sure we can get in touch with you. You can also keep up with posts and blogs through website and facebook. After storm passes, keep in mind of the insects that will be trying to get to higher ground and trying to get into structures. These calls will have to be taken care of. More than likely, we will be open back up Monday.
Wed 10 Jul 2019
Posted by sugarland
In Preparation for the Approaching Storm:
In the event of power outage or significant flooding, we may be running a skeleton crew and getting to any emergency pest control calls first. In the event of phones being down or out of order, you may call 337-319-1767 or 337-319-1768 for any emergency pest control. Please stay Safe.
Mon 28 Aug 2017
Posted by sugarland
We at Sugarland are currently open. We will be open, weather permitting. We are keeping all in Prayers for Safety and No flooding.
Stay Safe and God Bless
Fri 28 Aug 2015
Posted by sugarland
Ants are probably one of the most common and well-known insects in the South and beyond, and are found on every continent except Antarctica. Because of their ubiquitous nature, people will often generalize ants into a single type of insect without any thought to the many different types of ants actually out there.
Wed 22 Jul 2015
Posted by sugarland
You’re on your way to the medicine cabinet because you can’t sleep, your allergies are keeping you up; then when you turn on the light, you see them. One of the worst surprises a homeowner can find in the middle of the night is cockroaches.
They infest quickly, are difficult to kill, and if that isn’t bad enough they also increase the level of allergens and disease in your home. If you suspect that your house has become the proverbial roach motel, the first and most annoying sign might just be your allergies. (more…)
Mon 29 Jun 2015
Posted by sugarland
Your pet is your best friend, your loyal compatriot, and a member of your family. Unfortunately, it’s also a member that is prone to some problems that humans are not.
Fleas are an uncomfortable but common side effect of owning a pet, and if you’re not treating your animal on a regular basis for these tiny intruders, then you may find yourself with an infestation. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to living a flea-free life. (more…)
Mon 25 May 2015
Posted by sugarland
As the weather starts warming up, the threat of pests coming into your home increases. Not only do these critters have the potential to cause serious damage to your home, they can also affect your health and that of your family and even your pets. As you tackle your spring cleaning list this season, make sure to add the following tips to help protect your home from pests.
The colder temperatures and precipitation of winter can have quite an impact on your home. Your first line of protection against pests is to walk around the perimeter of your home, looking for any cracks or openings around utilities and pipes that go into your home. Seal all of these entry points with silicone caulk, no matter how small they may seem. Mice only need a spot the size of a dime for entry and bugs can fit through the tiniest spaces.
While you are tackling the perimeter of your home, also check for any damaged or loose areas of mortar along your foundation and around your windows. Repair or seal these areas as well if they’ve been damaged. (more…)
Fri 17 Apr 2015
Posted by sugarland
When it comes to keeping your house safe from pests, there might be none more feared than the termite. Termites are known for the massive damage they can cause to homes and if left unchecked long enough, sometimes they can even do so much damage that the home itself is in danger of collapse.
The earlier termites are caught and exterminated, the better off you and your home will be. Read on to learn the five signs you should never ignore that could mean termites.
There are many different reasons that paint can bubble, crack, and peel, so this isn’t necessarily a sign that you have termites, but it’s not something that should be ignored. Generally the root cause of cracking paint, and especially bubbling paint, is that moisture is getting in the spaces between the wood and the paint. This causes the damage that comes off as flaking paint. While it might just be minor moisture and water damage, you’ll still want to check it out.
Damage of any kind is never good, and there’s a chance that the moisture is getting in because of termites burrowing into the wood. Don’t just paint over it – get these problems checked out by a pest control specialist just to be on the safe side! (more…)
Tue 24 Mar 2015
Posted by sugarland
Spring is finally on its way, and that means it’s time to get prepared for the warmer weather. If you’re anything like most people, the warmer temperatures are always welcome, as is the excitement of planting and other outdoor activities. One thing you may not realize is that this is also the best time of year for termites to enter your home. Let’s dig a little deeper into this, shall we?
Even though termites are generally active year round, like most other pests, spring is when they do a considerable amount of multiplying. This means that existing colonies will grow exponentially, and that leads to swarmers. Swarmers are male and female termites that are known as “reproductives”, and they are the only ones in the colony that have wings.
When the warmer temperatures of spring arrive, the swarmers leave the colony and look for a mate. When a male responds to the female pheromones, the pair breaks off their wings. This means that they are mates, and are now on the lookout for prime nesting location, and this is often in your home. (more…)
Mon 29 Dec 2014
Posted by sugarland
It’s possible that your home could be at the root of your allergies and even asthma symptoms, especially if you have a rodent infestation. Being exposed to rodents can trigger asthma attacks and according to the National Center for Healthy Housing, there is a direct link between rodents and allergy and asthma symptoms. Rodents and allergies seem to go hand in hand, so read on to find out some important information you may not be aware of.
Health Impacts
Once thought to be strictly an inner city issue, mice and rats are now common outside of urban areas. More startling yet, is the fact that 82% of homes have been found to have rodent allergens. Exposure to allergens comes through the vermin’s urine, skin or saliva and it can cause such diseases as the Hantavirus.
In the Home
Kitchen floors contain the highest concentration of allergens of all the places in the home. Often other magnets for mice or rats include bedding and the bedroom floor, while living room couches and chairs contained the lowest level of allergens.
Just because you don’t physically see a mouse or rat in your home doesn’t mean anything. These vermin can be in your home living in the walls and you might not ever actually see them out running around. In general, if your home has many cracks and crevices, rodents can get in and produce allergens. (more…)
Mon 15 Dec 2014
Posted by sugarland
When you travel, it’s possible to pick up hitchhiking bed bugs and bring them back to your home. In order to stop these pesky little insects from taking up residence in your belongings and infiltrating your house, there are a few things you need to know.
The thing that makes it so hard to identify these little creatures is because they can squeeze into tiny cracks and crevices and go completely unnoticed by a casual observer. A majority of them will cluster around areas where people sleep, but a few will hide out in dark remote areas. They avoid light and if disturbed, they will move to a quieter location.
Thu 27 Nov 2014
Posted by sugarland
Unfortunately, we are in the season of cold weather and all the misery it brings. Gone are the beautiful days of summer weather, sunshine and flip-flops. As a homeowner, you’ve probably already started the process of winterizing your home to become prepared for the gusty winds, cold and maybe even ice or snow.
But, have you taken precautions to prevent rodents from taking up residence in your comfy, warm abode? If not, read on to find out how.
Nobody likes the thought of a rodent scurrying across their kitchen floor, so taking extra steps now to prepare for keeping rodents out of your home is the best solution. A good place to start is to replace worn weather-stripping.
It’s important to repair any soft areas on the windowsills and frames because rats and mice can use these points for entering your home. Also, take care to make sure your screens fit tightly and patch up any tears quickly.
Up on the Rooftop
Many homeowners fail to pay attention to their roof other than to check for loose shingles or spots that may need repair. Did you ever stop to think about bats, raccoons and squirrels?
You can deter these critters from crawling into your attic by closing up any gaps in the eaves and flashing joints. Trimming back trees will also reduce access for squirrels. (more…)
Thu 13 Nov 2014
Posted by sugarland
If rodents can find a way into your house, they will be more than happy to become your newest houseguest. As the weather becomes colder, people’s homes provide the perfect place for rodents to find warmth and protection.
Unfortunately, it is not very difficult for rodents to get into your home and once they’re inside, the problems will start. Here are some facts about rats & mice you may not know, but will help you understand how to better guard against them. (more…)
Wed 29 Oct 2014
Posted by sugarland
Whether you are in the food service, hospitality, manufacturing, grocery, or healthcare industries, you need commercial pest control. Pests can wreak havoc on your establishment, and create a wide range of issues for business owners, employees, and customers alike.
Food Service Industry
For those in the restaurant industry, commercial pest control is a necessity, regardless of whether you have seen any insects or not. Once you have seen roaches, mice, or other pests, you will already have a large infestation issue on your hands. In addition, if you can see evidence of a problem, you can be sure that your customers may see it as well. If this happens, your facility’s reputation and bottom line can take a serious hit.
Hospitality Services
Pests can also be devastating for those in the hospitality industry, especially if the infestation includes bedbugs, rodents, or cockroaches. While you may not think that you have an issue, it is important to remember that a patron that sees only a single insect can spread word of that sighting through the use of social media faster than ever. As a result, a single sighting can reach hundreds of people in a very short time, which can have serious implications for your establishment. (more…)
Wed 15 Oct 2014
Posted by sugarland
Very few bugs instill the horror produced by cockroaches living in your home. These insects are one of the most common pests found in Louisiana, and anyone dealing with them has plenty of questions. We have created this FAQ about cockroaches to help you better understand your infestation.
How do I know whether I have an infestation in my home?
It is important to understand that roaches tend to avoid contact with humans. If you are able to see cockroaches in your home, this is a good indication that you have an infestation. When large populations of roaches are present, it will force some out during daylight hours to find food and water in the overcrowded space.
Are there any signs of cockroaches other than seeing them?
There are a few different signs that may indicate a cockroach problem. If you see eggs, excrement, molted skin, or brownish smears, these are all good indications. Additionally, you may notice areas of damage that are caused by the roaches as they try to eat items in your home. (more…)
Wed 24 Sep 2014
Posted by sugarland
If you suffer from allergies and/or asthma attacks, you know to avoid common allergens like ragweed, grass pollen, and even household dust. However, there’s another allergen that may be making it hard for you to breathe, one that you may not even know about: cockroaches.
No one likes roaches, but did you know that they can seriously affect your allergy symptoms? When you think of allergens that exacerbate your asthma or your hay fever during allergy season, you probably don’t think about roaches, but you really should.
You may be thinking, “But I avoid cockroaches like the plague. I shouldn’t have anything to worry about…” Well, no one in their right mind will willingly seek out and make physical contact with cockroaches, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t a problem for people who suffer from allergies and/or asthma.
Airborne Toxic Cockroach Particles
When particles of dust, pollen, and other allergens are breathed in, the immune system reacts to them based on their shape, size, and chemical makeup. That’s why some people are more sensitive to these airborne allergens than others, and it explains how cockroaches can affect your allergies. (more…)
Mon 15 Sep 2014
Posted by sugarland
When it comes to crops and pests, we usually think of the six-legged variety. Most pesticides (both chemical and organic) are made with insects and plant-killing bacteria in mind. However, these aren’t the only pests that affect crops in Acadiana and the rest of Louisiana.
With southern Louisiana’s warm, humid climate, rodents and some reptiles can live outside all year round. Rats, mice, and snakes are especially attracted to areas like sugarcane fields because these crops will often be habitats to a number of insects and smaller reptiles that make up their food sources.
In this southern region of Louisiana, it’s not uncommon to see fields of sugarcane bordering residential neighborhoods. If you live in the Acadiana region, your home is likely not too far away from a habitat that’s rich with creatures that you don’t want to get too close to. (more…)
Fri 29 Aug 2014
Posted by sugarland
For the most part, when it comes to pests, ants usually aren’t too far up the list. Yes, fire ants are nothing to joke about and ant colonies in your home are never fun, but compared to mosquitoes, bees, and cockroaches, those other little guys aren’t that bad. Well, that may now be up for debate thanks to South Louisiana’s newest nuisance: the crazy ant.
Nylanderia Fulva
As their scientific name is a bit of a mouthful, “crazy ant” has really stuck. Plus, it explains these little maniacs well. What else could you call a species of ant so psychotic that even the feared and aggressive fire ants want nothing to do with them?
The real reason they’re called crazy, however, is because of their unpredictability and massive numbers. Although most ants may look chaotic, they actually function quite rationally. Even their winding trails, where one ant follows the next, is dictated by a constant reassessment of the path of least resistance. (more…)
Fri 22 Aug 2014
Posted by sugarland
Mosquitoes are a constant pest that everyone agrees we’d be better off without. Aside from being a nuisance when we want to enjoy nice weather, mosquitoes are also well known for giving us red bumps and itchy skin for days after they bite. However, these insects can do a lot worse than just give you a spot to scratch. Like West Nile virus before it, Chikungunya virus has been making headlines this past year and we largely have mosquitoes to thank for it.
What Does This Virus Do?
The most common symptoms that accompany infection include joint pain and severe fever. Other symptoms people have reported are muscle pain, headache, rash and joint swelling. While some people may not show any symptoms, the majority of those who have been infected by Chikungunya virus display some combination of the above. Generally, these symptoms will show themselves within three to seven days after infection takes place.
Fortunately, death by Chikungunya virus is still rare. However, the severity of the above symptoms cannot be exaggerated and are sometimes so bad, they become disabling. Most, though, improve within a week. Some unlucky people may experience their joint pain for months. Once recovered, an individual is most likely immune from further infections.
Some people are at risk for a more severe version of Chikungunya virus. The elderly (those over 65) and people with heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure are candidates. Newborns who get infected shortly after birth are also prone to worse bouts of the disease. (more…)
Thu 17 Jul 2014
Posted by sugarland
Cockroaches are found everywhere, and unfortunately, South Louisiana is no exception. There are few things that can bring on a shudder quite as quickly as seeing a cockroach (or several) scuttling across your kitchen floor. If you see one, you can bet that there are others nearby, and you’re going to want to do something about them.
Are Cockroaches Dangerous?
They can be. Unfortunately, they’re not just unsightly. They can carry diseases. In fact, you may have heard of cockroach disease – that’s actually a catch-all term for a variety of nasty illnesses they can carry, due to their habits of eating just about anything, and frequently living in unsanitary conditions. They can carry poliomyelitis, typhoid, gastroenteritis, dysentery and asthma, to name a few, and as they move from location to location, they carry the diseases with them. As if this isn’t bad enough, allergies to cockroach feces aren’t uncommon, and you can actually inhale the feces in the air – you don’t have to actually touch it.
You can also get sick from eating food that may contain bits of cockroach feces or saliva. Obviously, this is something you should take seriously if you’ve seen roaches in your home. They’re not going to go away on their own.
So How Can I Control Cockroaches?
If you want to be certain that cockroaches are totally eradicated, your best course of action is to call a professional exterminator. Also, don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because you’ve only seen a couple, which you’ve speedily sent on their way to Cockroach Hell, you’ve got them all – roaches really don’t like crowding, so if you’re seeing them in groups, it means they’re already well entrenched. There are a few things you can try:
Mon 30 Jun 2014
Posted by sugarland
The calendar has changed over to June and summer is finally upon us. While the days have gotten longer and the air has gotten warmer, summer still carries with it the usual problems. Unfortunately for us, it turns out the fleas and ticks like the warm weather about as much as we do, which is why they’re at their most active during the summer months.
As most know, fleas and ticks can pose a serious health problem both for ourselves and our furry friends, so that’s why it’s essential that you take the necessary steps to keep them from infiltrating your home this summer.
How to Avoid Tracking Ticks into Your Home
Ticks are nasty! If you’ve ever been bitten by one or pulled one off of your dog, then you know what we’re talking about. These parasitic organisms can be more than just nasty, though. They’re also known to carry dangerous diseases, including Lyme Disease & Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. That’s why making sure you keep ticks out of your home is essential.
The best way to avoid letting ticks into your home is to avoid going into places where ticks are known to congregate. While a tick could theoretically be anywhere, they tend to live in heavily wooded or bushy areas. In addition, you’ll also find them in places with high, uncut grass and in leaf litter.
If you suspect that you may have been exposed to ticks, it’s essential that you check and clean your body. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention suggests that you shower within 2 hours of coming indoors, so that you can adequately find and remove any ticks that might be on your person. In addition, you’ll also want to examine your pets (if you have any) and gear that may have been exposed to a tick population.
Sat 24 May 2014
Posted by sugarland
Subterranean termites are actually beneficial when in the soil, since they break down materials that contain cellulose, like dead trees. These insects live within the soil, needing moist soil or other sources of moisture to live. They only become problematic to homeowners when they begin to feed on parts of their house, through weakened areas.
How Do Termites Enter a House?
Termites maintain their moist environment and protect themselves by building earthen tubes that run from the moist ground into your structure. In many cases, they build the tubes on chimneys, porches, or inside walls, where they are not visible.
In a small number of situations, if wood and water can be obtained from a source that is not soil, a subterranean termite colony can be established without contact with the ground. This may occur in structures where the termites can get water from leaking roofs, pipes or condensation.
How Do Termites Live?
Termites are quite social, and they live in well-organized colonies. Their life stages include the egg, and an immature and then an adult stage, according to entomologists. Most adults are workers, and they can sometimes be found in wood that has been damaged. Workers are responsible for caring for the other termites in the colony, and for finding wood for food.
Soldier termites protect their colonies from ants and other attackers. They have also been found in damaged wood. Termites digest wood because they have microorganisms that live within their gut.
What Are Swarmers?
When colonies are large or old, they may produce adult termites known as swarmers. These have wings, and are the means by which termites start a new colony. These termites usually become active in the months of spring. Swarmers are more visible than other termites. They are sometimes confused with flying ants. (more…)
Sat 12 Apr 2014
Posted by sugarland
Termites are quite prevalent in Louisiana, and many homes will see termites over the course of their “lives”. Some homeowners do not think that they need annual inspections, if their home has been previously treated. This is a misconceived notion, because termite colonies don’t know the difference between wooden structures and dead wood found on the ground.
Periodic Inspections Are Important
Periodic termite inspections by trained and certified pest control technicians are a vital part of ensuring that your home or business is not affected by termites. Otherwise, termites can do a great deal of damage.
Termites will cause extensive damage if they are not detected. Subterranean termites can consume as much as three percent of their individual body weight in wood every day. The amount they consume is dependent on the colony size, the termite size and environmental conditions. A mature colony can consume 1/5 ounce or five grams of wood every day. A mature colony of termites can eat one foot of a 2×4 pine wall stud in less than three months, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.
If Termites Go Unnoticed, They Go Untreated
Termites can damage a structure without even being detected, since home or business owners may overlook damage signs. During a trained pest control technician’s inspection, there may only be a small mud tube in the attic, crawlspace or on the foundation exterior to show that termites are actively consuming wood in the structure. The mud tube may be hidden behind tall grass or shrubbery.
Mon 24 Mar 2014
Posted by sugarland
Read these practical tips to find out what you can do to help prevent the spread of Formosan termites.
Formosan termites are a form of subterranean termite, which are known worldwide for their destructive behaviors. These pests, which consume wood and cellulose extremely rapidly, are known for being a common problem throughout Mississippi and Louisiana. The best way to control Formosan termites is to make your area less attractive for their colonies in order to diminish their spread. Here are just a few ways that you can reduce the distribution of Formosan termites in your region.
Examine the Environment Around Your House
Like many other pests, Formosan termites are attracted to areas where they will find a large source of moisture and food. For these termites, this means damp wood. If your yard has wood littering the ground, this is a very appealing and appetizing invitation for the subterranean termites in your area.
When we mention wood on the ground around your home, this does not only mean piles of firewood or other substantial amounts of wooden material. This also refers to small pieces of wooden debris that could have fallen from trees on your property. You can reduce the risk of attracting termites if you keep these types of items cleared away from your home as frequently as possible. (more…)
Mon 10 Mar 2014
Posted by sugarland
Formosan termites are subterranean members of the termite family, known around the world for their destructive tendencies. Read on to learn the best ways to prevent their spreading.
On What Do Formosan Termites Live?
These termites consume cellulose and wood at a rapid rate, and they are commonly found in Louisiana and Mississippi. The most effective way to control them is by making the area in which you live or work less attractive for termite colonies. This will help in diminishing their spread.
Address Any Moisture Problems in Your Business or Home
Formosan termites are attracted to buildings with drainage or moisture problems. These cause the wood and other building materials to stay moist. If this moisture persists, brown rot may develop, producing brown rot fungi. This fungus is very attractive to Formosan termites, and having fungi of this type in your home or business facility can encourage these termites to spread.
Mon 28 Oct 2013
Posted by sugarland
In most instances, you will often notice the evidence of having a rodent problem in your home or office before you actually ever see one. And while your first inclination may be to reach for the strongest rat or mouse pellets you can find, you might want to rethink that strategy. Rodenticides will most likely kill a few of the rodents infesting your home, but they may not kill them all.
Having rodents present in your home poses health risks to everyone in the home. Their droppings can trigger allergic reactions and asthma. The parasites that they carry can transmit disease like the bubonic plague to members of your family. And, they can track a variety of bacteria, germs, and parasites onto your food stores and dishes for you to ingest.
Fortunately there are ways to eliminate existing infestations and discourage future infestations while minimizing the use of harsh and dangerous chemicals. Integrated pest management plans can not only address your rodent concerns, but can also provide benefits for the environment as well. (more…)
Thu 10 Oct 2013
Posted by sugarland
A rodent infestation can have effects that harm not only a person’s home but also their belongings and their health. It is important to handle this type of situation quickly and properly in order to eliminate the rodents from your home in Acadiana and decrease the risk of disease or bites. A professional rodent exterminator can properly take care of an issue like this in expert fashion and rid your home from these unwanted visitors. Some of the effects of a rodent infestation are quite severe and serious and should never be taken lightly.
A rodent residing in an Acadiana home can mean the residents are at risk for getting bitten. While it’s not overly common for a rodent to simply walk up to a human and bite them it can still happen during the night or if you are trying to trap the rodent on your own, without the help of a professional. It’s important never to handle a rodent on your own as a rodent can carry a number of diseases such as salmonella, rabies and meningitis. In total, rodents have been known to carry 34 different diseases according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (more…)
Sugarland Exterminating offers full service pest & termite control programs throughout Acadiana and Southwest Louisiana.
New Iberia
Morgan City