Termites are quite prevalent in Louisiana, and many homes will see termites over the course of their “lives”. Some homeowners do not think that they need annual inspections, if their home has been previously treated. This is a misconceived notion, because termite colonies don’t know the difference between wooden structures and dead wood found on the ground.

Periodic Inspections Are Important

Periodic termite inspections by trained and certified pest control technicians are a vital part of ensuring that your home or business is not affected by termites. Otherwise, termites can do a great deal of damage.

Termites will cause extensive damage if they are not detected. Subterranean termites can consume as much as three percent of their individual body weight in wood every day. The amount they consume is dependent on the colony size, the termite size and environmental conditions. A mature colony can consume 1/5 ounce or five grams of wood every day. A mature colony of termites can eat one foot of a 2×4 pine wall stud in less than three months, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.

If Termites Go Unnoticed, They Go Untreated

Termites can damage a structure without even being detected, since home or business owners may overlook damage signs. During a trained pest control technician’s inspection, there may only be a small mud tube in the attic, crawlspace or on the foundation exterior to show that termites are actively consuming wood in the structure. The mud tube may be hidden behind tall grass or shrubbery.

Inspection is the Most Important Part of Termite Control

An annual inspection for termites is the single most important part of a home or business owner’s pest protection plan. With a yearly inspection, the building owner can enjoy the peace of mind that their building is protected.

Think of annual termite inspections as insurance for your home or business. You may not realize that, even if your home has been treated for termites, re-infestations may occur. If you do not have an annual inspection, your structure may be at risk of further damage from termites, and the repairs can be expensive.


Inspecting for Termite Damage and Infestations

Trained inspectors doing inspections on your home or business will put you one step ahead in the battle against pests. Each year, thousands of buildings are attacked by termites, fungus and other pests that destroy wood.

If you are buying a house or business, it is vital to know whether termites are present before you invest a great deal of money in a building. Pre-purchase termite inspections will detect wood destroying pest presence, and the report will state his findings and his recommendations, if any.

Termite inspections will save you thousands of dollars’ worth of damage that these pests will cause if your building is not checked. Pest control inspections should be quite thorough, so that you can be sure your building has a clean bill of health, if no evidence of termites is found.

A clear report does not guarantee that there are no infestations, but it does let you know that your inspector did not find any pests or evidence in your building. An infestation can still be hidden from view in a beam or a wall, but inspection is still your best guarantee that all visible areas are clear.